Things people DON’T tell you about weight loss
It has been 2 years since I have been on what I like to call a wellness journey now and it’s definitely been a journey. At first, your focus is on the number on the scale but over time you start to notice things that you didn’t expect. 😅
Things like…
1. Your taste buds changing…I remember I was craving a slice of chocolate cake and I was already thinking about how good it was going to taste but when I got it and took a bite, it did not taste as it did before. That’s when I knew my taste buds had changed because I didn’t like that slice of chocolate cake. I still eat chocolate, cake, and sweets but not as much and I prefer dark chocolate now which I never did before. 🤯 I also crave “healthy foods” and food that I have never tried before. Has that happened to you or is it just me? 😅Side note: I worked on my relationship with food by cooking more at home.
2. Learning to love your body and its changes throughout your journey. I’ve come to learn this is important because we don’t get the body that we imagined. For example, the first body change for me was losing back fat and then I lost inches on my waist but I wanted to lose that stubborn belly fat. The belly fat didn’t budge until 2.5 months into my wellness journey. The picture is shown above.
3.Buying new clothes to fit your new body is expensive. Thrift stores are your best friend if you want a change of wardrobe. I personally stay in my baggy clothes because looking for new clothes is such a hassle for me. 🤣
4. Friendships/relationships change…yes it happens and it sucks. 💔 Once you start feeling better healthwise you want your surroundings to match your “glow feel better” energy and start to set boundaries. Some people will take it personally and some will tell you to your face that they are jealous and jealousy is a bad vibe so bye-bye!
5. People judge you the way you eat way more often. 🙄 “Are you sure you want to eat that? You are doing such a good job” or “ Wow, you just ate all of that?” or “How’s your salad? [insert pity look]”. People need to chill — if someone was craving a salad then let them enjoy their salad without any pity looks or enjoy their cheeseburger from Mcdonald's without any concerned looks as well.
6. Non-scale victories are the best and this is what truly keeps one motivated to continue their journey. This picture is my second before and after and I was shocked at how my lower belly is definitely shrinking and this non-scale progress has helped me continue. Also, it is always a nice feeling when your jeans are a little bit looser.
7. People will decide when you have lost “enough” weight to actually take you seriously and give you some respect/attention.
Those are only a few things that people don’t tell you about weight loss…are you on a weight loss journey? What things have you noticed that people don’t tell you about losing weight? ⬇️