Best Spanish-Language Movies to watch on Netflix 2021
Look no further for Spanish-language movie recommendations to watch on Netflix for your next movie night. I started this list as a Tiktok series on January 1, 2021, and it became popular quickly. I still create TikTok videos with my recommendations because my followers really enjoy them so I hope you enjoy this list of movie recommendations as well.
Here are 36 great Spanish-language movies to watch on Netflix. Some make you cry, laugh, or both.
- Como caído del cielo (As if Fallen from Heaven)
- Live Twice, Love Once
- Grumpy Christmas
- Xico’s Journey
- Anonymously Yours
- 1,000 miles from Christmas
- Nobody Knows I’m here
- Dad Wanted
- Sounds like Love
- Bankrolled
- The House of The Flowers (the movie)
- Despite Everything
- Ready to Mingle
- The Tribe
- You’ve Got This
- How to Get Over a Breakup
- In Family I Trust
- I’m No Longer Here
- All the Freckles in the World
- Mutiny of the Worker Bees
- A Remarkable Tale
- Si Mi Amor
- Tell Me When
- 100 Metros
- My Grandma’s a Lesbian
- Dance of the Forty-One
- Aleli
- So much Love to Give
- Mujeres Arriba
- The Little Switerzland
- Mi Amigo Alexis
- I love you, stupid.
These next Spanish-language movies were recommendations from my TikTok followers and thought I should share these too.
33. Toc Toc
34. Mirage
35. The Platform
36. Palm Trees in the Snow
Do you have any Spanish-language movie recommendations to watch on Netflix?